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Illustration of a brown-skinned woman with a slight smile gesturing towards the right with her hand

Read This First

No ARIA is better than Bad ARIA. Before using any ARIA, read this to understand why.

  • Accordion (Sections With Show/Hide Functionality)

    An accordion is a vertically stacked set of interactive headings that each contain a title, content snippet, or thumbnail representing a section of content.
  • Alert

    An alert is an element that displays a brief, important message in a way that attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task.
  • Alert and Message Dialogs

    An alert dialog is a modal dialog that interrupts the user's workflow to communicate an important message and acquire a response.
  • Breadcrumb

    A breadcrumb trail consists of a list of links to the parent pages of the current page in hierarchical order.
  • Button

    A button is a widget that enables users to trigger an action or event, such as submitting a form, opening a dialog, canceling an action, or performing a delete operation.
  • Checkbox

    WAI-ARIA supports two types of checkbox widgets: dual-state checkboxes toggle between two choices -- checked and not checked -- and tri-state checkboxes, which allow an additional third state known as partially checked.
  • Combobox

    A combobox is an input widget with an associated popup that enables users to select a value for the combobox from a collection of possible values.
  • Dialog (Modal)

    A dialog is a window overlaid on either the primary window or another dialog window.
  • Disclosure (Show/Hide)

    A disclosure is a widget that enables content to be either collapsed (hidden) or expanded (visible).
  • Feed

    A feed is a section of a page that automatically loads new sections of content as the user scrolls.
  • Grid (Interactive Tabular Data and Layout Containers)

    A grid widget is a container that enables users to navigate the information or interactive elements it contains using directional navigation keys, such as arrow keys, Home, and End.
  • Landmarks

    Landmarks are a set of eight roles that identify the major sections of a page.
  • Listbox

    A listbox widget presents a list of options and allows a user to select one or more of them.
  • Menu and Menubar

    A menu is a widget that offers a list of choices to the user, such as a set of actions or functions.
  • Menu Button

    A menu button is a button that opens a menu as described in the Menu and Menubar Pattern.
  • Meter

    A meter is a graphical display of a numeric value that varies within a defined range.
  • Radio Group

    A radio group is a set of checkable buttons, known as radio buttons, where no more than one of the buttons can be checked at a time.
  • Slider

    A slider is an input where the user selects a value from within a given range.
  • Slider (Multi-Thumb)

    A multi-thumb slider implements the Slider Pattern but includes two or more thumbs, often on a single rail.
  • Spinbutton

    A spinbutton is an input widget that restricts its value to a set or range of discrete values.
  • Switch

    A switch is an input widget that allows users to choose one of two values: on or off.
  • Table

    Like an HTML table element, a WAI-ARIA table is a static tabular structure containing one or more rows that each contain one or more cells; it is not an interactive widget.
  • Tabs

    Tabs are a set of layered sections of content, known as tab panels, that display one panel of content at a time.
  • Toolbar

    A toolbar is a container for grouping a set of controls, such as buttons, menubuttons, or checkboxes.
  • Tooltip

    A tooltip is a popup that displays information related to an element when the element receives keyboard focus or the mouse hovers over it.
  • Tree View

    A tree view widget presents a hierarchical list.
  • Treegrid

    A treegrid widget presents a hierarchical data grid consisting of tabular information that is editable or interactive.
  • Window Splitter

    A window splitter is a moveable separator between two sections, or panes, of a window that enables users to change the relative size of the panes.
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